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School Bullying vs Japanese Karate Kid and Chinese Kung fu kid

Karate Kid • Peter Cetera, Glory of Love

School Bullying senario: We rarely find karate films in the world cinema, all martial arts stars are Chinese (Kung Fu) : Bruce Lee , Jackie Chan In addition, Chinese mythology with hyper warriors with superpowers won the Holywood, so he left the unfortunate simple and effective Japanese Karate , Karate Kid trilogy based on classical Japanese OKINAWA TE TAI KARATE DO
The film is not complete, you see cut screens from the first film

School Bullying senario: A newer similar movie, also called The Karate Kid, shot in 2010, is NOT Karate but a great kung fu movie

Bullying: The Kung fu kid

School Bullying senario: Σπάνια συναντάμε ταινίες καράτε στον παγκόσμιο κινηματογράφο , όλοι οι αστέρες των πολεμικών τεχνών είναι Κινέζοι (Kung Fu ) Bruce Lee Jackie επιπλέον η κινέζικη μυθολογία με τους υπερπολεμιστές με υπερδυνάμεις κέρδισαν το Holywood , έτσι έμεινε στα αζήτητα το απλό και αποσελεσματικό Ιαπωνικό Karate ,
Μια από τις σπανές ταινίες καράτε που θα συνατήσετε στον κινιματοργάφο είναι και η τριλογία Karate Kid βασισμένη στο κλασικό  Ιαπωνικό OKINAWA TE TAI KARATE DO , Η ταινία δεν είναι πλήρης , βλέπετε αποσπάσματα από την πρώτη ταινία
School Bullying senario: Μία νεότερη παρόμοια ταινία ονομαζόμενη και ως The Karate Kid και γυρίστηκε το 2010 , ΔΕΝ είναι Karate αλλά kung fu

Κλασικά ΛΑΘΟΣ παραδείγματα Αντιμετώπισης του ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟΎ bullying , δεν είναι ανάγκη να μάθουμε στα παιδιά μας Karate ή Kung fu για να αντιμετωπίσουν το ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟ BULING , για άλλο λόγο πρέπει να τους μάθουμε Karate και αλλιώς πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζεται το ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟ bullying

CLASSIC WRONG examples to fight aganst school bullying , there is no need to learn in our children Karate or Kung fu to face school buling ( ok is very useful and cool to learn your kids karate or Kung fu but not for STOP buling )

We have much better ways to STOP school bullying
Learn your kids how to figt school bulling

How can I help my child if they are being bullied?
If your child is being bullied, don't panic. Your key role is listening, calming and providing reassurance that the situation can get better when action is taken.
  • Listen and reassure them that coming to you was the right thing to do. Try and establish the facts. It can be helpful to keep a diary of events to share with the school or college. 
  • Assure them that the bullying is not their fault and that they have family that will support them. Reassure them that you will not take any action without discussing it with them first. 
  • Don't encourage retaliation to bullying - such as violent actions. It's important for children to avoid hitting or punching an abusive peer. Reacting that way has negative and unpredictable results- they may be hurt even further, and find that they are labelled as the problem. Rather suggest that they walk away and seek help. 
  • Find out what your child wants to happen next. Help to identify the choices open to them; the potential next steps to take; and the skills they may have to help solve the problems. 
  • Encourage your child to get involved in activities that build their confidence and esteem, and help them to form friendships outside of school (or wherever the bullying is taking place). 
  • Discuss the situation with your child's teacher or Head teacher - or the lead adult wherever the bullying is taking place. Every child has a right to a safe environment in which to learn and play. Schools must have a behaviour policy which sets out the measures that will be taken to prevent all forms of bullying between pupils. For more information on making a complaint about bullying, visit Making a complaint 
Here is a link to a guide from Diana Award about supporting your child if they are being bullied.

Χορηγός: mixanikos365 διακριτικά στο τέλος του άρθρου χωρίς συνεχείς διαφημήσεις και αναδυόμενα παράθυρα